.... It got to 10 messages lol...
... Spam?  Only if it's in a can and mixed with other unknown meat..

In other news, I have the latest version of the Master spreadsheet available
(web page)


I'm sorting it by popularity of editors, and those features that have a
presents in the database with taginfo, i'll be including a popularity
I'll also include a Wikipedia word-definition for each value, as the aim for
this is to not duplicate into other languages, but to 'look at' what the
other language pages have done, then to a google-translate and fill in the

'key/value pair' is a language in it's self   Nullish? or OSMish. ... it's
simply the 'coding-speak' where all editors are free to stick whatever
'label' they want on it.
This 'label' changes from editor to editor, and language to language.

I took a look at
When you look at the 'Legend'  (Legende) you will see the equivalent German
language version.   And then when you edit it, using potlach2   you can see


Hint:  The way to work translations is to simply have 2 windows open, and
use auto-translate for it.  The Legend that is on the website is just an
image so it cant detect text.  So i'll be including a column for the German
version in the spreadsheet.
... other languages?  Probably not, since it's just an example.

And the 1st example of a node that should be on the english Potlatch2 / JOSM
/ Wiki / Merkaartor is

... we have different photos and different descriptions.  The
Google-Translate does the direct translate very well(ish), so having a new
wiki page for the language, just doesn't make sense... when we all can speak
Nullish or OSMish.

In other news, i'm working with the other 'out-casters or 'fishmongers'
osm-f...@googlegroups.com  and making a new wiki. ... one that is built from
learning the lessons of the osm-wiki :)
I think that it's more effective to clearly describe the Map features
in English, and when people don't understand the meanings of it, they can
simply ask for clarifications so then the english-wiki can be updated, so
the auto-translate can be better.

Again, if anyone wants to be an editor for the GoogleDocs spreadsheet, just
ask :)


On Wed, May 18, 2011 at 5:19 AM, Steve Doerr <doerr.step...@gmail.com>wrote:

>  On 18/05/2011 12:19, M∡rtin Koppenhoefer wrote:
> 2011/5/18  <j...@jfeldredge.com> <j...@jfeldredge.com>:
>  In American usage, seafood covers all aquatic-origin food, whether from 
> fresh water, estuaries, or the ocean.
>  In the context of OSM I am more interested in the British usage.
> The word was invented by the Americans in the early 19th century. The *OED
> * has an amusing quote from 1935: "A writer in the London *Daily 
> Mail*recently complained that an Englishman would find ‘positively
> incomprehensible’ the American words‥*sea-food*,‥and *hired-girl*."
> --
> Steve
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