Thats why im simply pointing out where there are inconsistancies.
In each editor and each language osm-wiki there are different labels
for the same tags, in the language of OSMish'.

By converting back from the language to english, i can see what the
'intent' is. I have added a column for the english translation from
german categories > labels, for the hiking/horseback potlatch2 editor.

I think i'll also include the mapzen default set of presets ..
maybe.., as that also helps clarify what the tags mean.

I can also include the canvec2osm features, since these are firmly
defined (and 'most likely' wont change.

By sorting the chart we can see where all the labels match up.
... then i can add them to CommonMap Island :)

On 5/19/11, M∡rtin Koppenhoefer <dieterdre...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 2011/5/18 Sam Vekemans <acrosscanadatra...@gmail.com>:
>> I'll also include a Wikipedia word-definition for each value, as the aim
>> for
>> this is to not duplicate into other languages, but to 'look at' what the
>> other language pages have done, then to a google-translate and fill in the
>> details.
> You can of course include wikipedia definitions (are you using
> timestamped links?), but I doubt that this will be helpful (instead it
> might contradict actual OSM usage). Just have a look at these 2
> examples to see its not working: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Highway
> and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amenity --- That's why we use our
> wiki to define/document the meaning and usage of the tags.
> These are the mostly used keys in OSM and the meaning of the words
> (and their wikipedia definition) does not help for the interpretation
> of the OSM tags. Here it is evident, but in other fields the
> differences might be small and yet important.
>> tourism=picnic_site
>> Restplatz
>> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/DE:Tag:tourism%3Dpicnic_site
> I guess you meant "Rastplatz" because "Restplatz" has a completely
> different meaning, something like a seat in an airplane (or somewhere
> else) still available "last minute"). "Rastplatz" is highly ambiguous
> though, and could well be meant to describe structures like this:
> http://de.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Datei:Rasthof_Rhynern.jpg&filetimestamp=20081202202225
> (indeed I got this picture from the German Wikipedia:
> http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rastplatz )
>> I think that it's more effective to clearly describe the Map features
>> in English
> +1
> , and when people don't understand the meanings of it, they can
>> simply ask for clarifications so then the english-wiki can be updated, so
>> the auto-translate can be better.
> I doubt the autotranslate will work sufficiently in the next time.
> This is not only about language, it is also about cultural differences
> and context. Think about "bar". Besides that this will refer as well
> to a venue as to a metal cylinder, there is a fundamentally different
> meaning/implication of a "Bar" in London or Berlin and a "Bar" in Rome
> or Madrid.
> You can't simply translate these in one word, it is about cultural
> implications you have to know.
> Cheers,
> Martin
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