
On Sat, Jun 4, 2011 at 3:04 AM, Seth Golub <s...@sethoscope.net> wrote:
> Hello.  I'm mapping the fire alarm boxes in my neighborhood, and I'm not
> sure how to tag them.  Here's an example:
>  http://www.flickr.com/photos/dwthompson/36722209 77/
> The closest thing I can find in use is emergency=phone, but these are just
> switches.  You pull the lever to summon help, but you can't talk to anyone.
> My first guess would be emergency=alarm, but taginfo hasn't seen that.  Just
> two of amenity=fire_alarm, one amenity=fire_alarm_box, and one
> service=alarm.  Am I really the first one doing this or is there another
> scheme I haven't thought to look for?

I don't know of any, but I would go with emergency=phone, and specify
maybe in another tag phone=fire_alarm or some such thing.
The description of emergency=phone includes 'making calls to emergency
services' so it is not necessarily restricted to switches.
martijn van exel

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