At 2012-04-14 22:10, Nathan Edgars II wrote:
In the U.S., a gated residential community usually allows anyone in who has a legitimate reason to be there (e.g. visiting a friend, delivering a package, repairing a TV). It seems that this fits access=destination as well as private. Would it be reasonable to tag it as such, and leave access=private for secondary entrances that lack a guard and can only be opened by residents?

access=destination says nothing about a legitimate reason to be there according to the wiki ( - just that it's your destination. For example, you might want to go to a park within such a community to walk your dog, which would seem to be allowed by access=destination on the gate node, roads, or parking, but that would be incorrect unless you are, or are the guest of, a resident.

I tag everything within such gated communities as access=private.

Alan Mintz <>

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