At 2012-04-15 05:38, Jaakko wrote:
Btw. I think current Mapnik rendering renders addr:housenumber=* over barrier=gate . Meaning: if u tag em both u won't see the gate icon at all but only the house number. .. Which imho is not ideal.

I'd love to see both rendered (when space allows) as both are of high importance.

This is based on my experience in Haiti where often the only instructions to a place is eg: "about 400m down, black gate on the left with #15 on it".

Has anyone bn thinking about this? (How) can I submit a ticket to suggest fixing this? .. Nico, Sev, Brian: could this be taken in consideration in the possible Haiti custom rendering style?

I would normally tag the address on a landuse area or a building node or area, not on the gate. However, I would agree that Mapnik should render whatever icon is represented by the other tagging on a node at a higher priority than using the "house" icon associated with addr:housenumber.

Alan Mintz <>

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