The german article still has the recommendation of adding area=yes.

One of the biggest problems in the wiki is the fact, that very often
articles in different languages are not really translations, but
different articles.

As the tag railway=platform is applicable to areas as well, according
to articles in all languages, and therefore area=yes shouldn't be
necessary on closed ways, I will update this note in the german
article in accordance with the updated english article.


2012/4/25 Pieren <>:
> On Wed, Apr 25, 2012 at 3:46 AM, Nathan Edgars II <> wrote:
>> It's not highway only. For example, it can be used on railway=platform:
>> or man_made=pier:
> Thanks for pointing that out. I see that silently, the meaning of the
> tag area has been modified by certain people on the wiki. I modified
> the wiki about "platform":
> We cannot accept that the tag "area=yes" is required for all polygons.
> This has never been the case. It was introduced only when the main tag
> about a closed loop was non-deterministic (tracing a centre line or a
> perimeter). We don't do that for car parks, buildings, etc. I don't
> see why we should create an exception for railway platforms.
> Pieren
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