On Wed, May 23, 2012 at 8:39 AM, Martin Vonwald <imagic....@gmail.com>wrote:

> You have to keep in mind that most of the streets are in fact a
> collection of parallel features. Only at some points (junctions, ends)
> this might not be true. The proposed relation might(!) be a solution
> for some special cases (e.g. irregular steps), but for the rest this
> is unmanageable imo. Any solution should concentrate on the common and
> make it simple, but also allow to handle the exceptions - maybe with
> some extra effort. This proposed solution seems to concentrate on the
> exceptions.
+1. Streets are predominantly 1-d objects. Computers are a lot better at
unpacking stuff than repacking. Yes you can write intelligent algorithms to
do it (at least, I begin to see how you might do it...), but the dataset's
big enough as it is, without removing a bunch of useful constraints.

Now if we had an editor that displayed some parallel lines if you put in
cycleway=track, and maybe something similar on the standard rendering... A
fancy renderer might take further tags about the degree and nature of
separation into account, perhaps even interpolating between values on
nodes. That's all entirely extensible. A botched
is probably just creating data, and destroying information.
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