2012/6/26 Simone Saviolo <simone.savi...@gmail.com>:

> Yes, actually every beach is marked with the blue flag. However, it is not
> relative to a single resort. Also, signs usually say "Varazze Bandiera Blu
> d'Europa" without referring specifically to any limited area.
> Ciao,
> Simone

Maybe all the beaches in Varazzi have the blue flag :)
On the official site, for Varazze they say:

Varazze - Arrestra, Beach
Varazze - Piani d'Invrea, Beach
Varazze - Levante Teiro, Beach
Marina di Chiavari, Marina
Varazze - Ponente Teiro, Beach
Marina di Varazze, Marina

Do you know of any other beaches or marinas in Varazzo that have the blue

After inspecting, I guess they put Marina di Chiavari in the wrong place..

Janko Mihelić
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