Am 01.08.2012 16:01, schrieb Simone Saviolo:
2012/7/31 Apollinaris Schöll < <>>

        Instead of saying "don't impose your views on others", you should
        provide an argument why the proposal is bad and ideally, propose
        alternative solution to the presented problem. This way, I can
        with counter-argument, or admit that the original proposal was
        bad, and
        after few iterations a real solution can be reached.

    arguments will not help much here. osm has somewhere around 20000
    active users
    a small fraction is reading  these lists or forum posts. Whatever
    you propose here will not even reach most mappers. You cant teach
    them how to map your way. They don't even now how great your
    proposal was. And they will break your "perfect" data and you have
    to fix it or we are back where you started.

Oh, please! Good, tidy data is self-mantaining. People working with it, unless they're utterly incompetent (and I don't mean incompetent at OSM, but at any thing ordered and clean), will easily recognize a pattern, and will act consequently. On the other hand, if they see that some street names are written all caps, others capitalized, others all lowercase, others capitalized wrong, they'll easily assume there's no rule at all (they won't even think about the fact that there might be one!), and will add confusion to the confusion.

        ad 2)
        This is actually not an argument against any tagging proposal, but
argument for improving relation handling in editors.

    Do you know how many editors are out there? and there are bots all
    kinds of scripts with API upload support ... Feel free to fix all
    of them. As far as I know not a single editor for mobile
    applications has any relation support.

...and here's why CSS is now a forgotten, pityful attempt that has justly been abandoned. No, wait.
There are two big differences between CSS and the proposed relation stuff.
1) The inventors of CSS provided a working implementation for core CSS features 2) For a considerably long time css was used only very sparse and most of the time with a html4 styling "fallback".

Nobody arguments about the proposed use of relations per se, but it's far from enough to propose something. 1) Proposing one option is not the same as deprecating another, and that's what some want to do here. 2) Support in editor software does not rely on fixed rules only to use relations, so that could be added even before "switching", and both variants may co-exist for some time.

The arguments mainly are:
relations are the better data model
therefore let's deprecate ref tags on ways.

instead of:
relations are the better data model
let's make editors great enough that relations are on top of that easier to use for mappers let's make the API better by fixing the performance issues that occur regularly when dealing with big relations (or very long ways) Let's then encourage by arguments instead of rules to use relations - as there's no good counter argument any more: At this stage they are as easy to use, better to maintain and the cleaner data model.

This is a big difference.
The first approach is what's tried here, and get's bad critics from some others, because "usually" these attempts end up with new proposals and questions to the old developers "why don't you support that? it's the 'only' way to do it right" - or something like that.

    I use mostly JOSM which has good relation support. But still it's
    a pain and a challenge. Just downloading a huge relation takes too
    much time. No editor can fix this because it's the nature of the
    data model.

What's painful and challenging in double clicking and using a window which is exactly the same tag table as the one you have for nodes and ways, plus an obvious self-explaining list of members with roles?
You cannot split a way that's part of a relation which is open in the editor - this creates conflicts currently. The relation editor still is a separate, non-dockable window (e.g. for the reason above) that in this behaves different to all other windows/boxes of JOSM.

And that's about JOSM, one of the two big editors; not to mention the dozends of "small" projects for mobile editors and the like.

        The problem of roads tagging, was brought up in talk-cz
        several times.
        The problem is that current tagging scheme is semantically
        wrong - e.g.
        we have only one primary road number 2, but OSM data says we have
several hundreds of them.
That's wrong, as you don't read it correct.
It's based on the assumption, that one named street is one object in OSM,
But the osm object isn't the "main street", it's a part of street that "has the name main street".
Other parts of the street, connected to that part, have the same name.

        The same for named residential streets in
        cities. This causes several problems.

Let's use the residential street example.
How do you as a human being decide where a street ends?
At every intersection there's a new street sign - repeating the same street name, so you as a human decide that the next segment is part of the same street. Well... that's easily to be implemented in software, too: collect connected streets with the same name and you're done.

But that's not the only argument?
Sure: sometimes you don't want to deal with one street as one street, e.g. because a part of it is a pedestrian area, and you want to deal with that differently - well, then use the same approach based on additional parameters, e.g. only use parts of that street that can be used by cars etc.

Sure: We could add different relations for that, but is it really helpful, as soon as that algorithm is once implemented in your software?

        It makes it hard for data producers to edit the road, because
        you have
        the information about it duplicated over several hundreds of

May be hard, but as mentioned before: most common attributes aren't changed very often, and once tagged that's no problem again.
Editor software supports to repeat last used tags nowadays, and so on.

On the other hand:
Consider a route relation. A changing ref may be changed easily now, as it's only editing the relation once. What about a speed limit implemented for some kilometers for a while, e.g. because of a bad surface?
Do you add that to the individual segments now?
or do you add a new relation, because it's - as you say - easier to handle that? As you want to deprecate the on-way-variant, that would the way you go, if I understand it right.

Now let's assume there are two construction sites that join together two weeks later. You have two relations now, that are "connected" when you look on the members.
Do you join these to one?
If so: how is that less work than it has been before?
Without relations the last segment in between get's the construction tag and that's it.

How to delete the construction site again?
Well, I personally would use the search and filter option to search for all ways affected:
search by name,
search by construction tag,
restrict to the bbox where the construction site is on, and delete the tag, done.

that's not much more work than the other variant, where I would have to find a member of the relation, select the relation and delete it - given that the relation is used for this particular meaning only, and not part of a parent relation to "make it easier" to handle the complete road, as the construction part is redirected to this child relation.

        It makes it hard for data consumers to present the data in a
way -

    really? I can't see that. there are many map rendering solutions,
    routing algorithms for desktop, web service, mobile devices ...
    Must be a miracle that they all function.
    btw I am not aware of many using relations.

What would consumers' assumptions be, reasonably? That any ways with the same value in a given tag would have to be considered a single thing?
Do you have an example of this kind of customer?
Yes, that demans for tools that support this, but it's not a big difference if I have to collect the geometry of a relation down through several relations that each other doesn't contain geometry, or if I join ways together, that have attributes - and usually nodes in common, but no relation.
I have examples of separate streets with the same name in the same city, not separate, non-connected parts of the same street, mind you. A relation here would describe the reality without fail, and much more elegantly. .
Sure, and nobody complains about adding a relation here, but that doesn't count as an argument to only use relations for every street, nor is it an argument for deleting/omitting ref and name tags on the individual ways.

    When I see this thread (and others like this) and all the resistance

        (with little arguments) that any proposed change causes at
        global OSM
        level, I'm starting to think that we (in Czech Republic and other
        communities as well) should simply go ahead and play by our
        own rules at
        our own backyard and just ignore the global consistency.

    nothing wrong with that. But be aware that all these local
    communities have to come up with their own solutions to use the
    data.  Is the Czech community large enough to offer maps, routing
    in all flavors and other useful applications? probably it's much
    easier to go with the flow and bear a with some oddities.

According to your reasoning, Germans should tell us how to map because they make tools and consumers. Is this correct?
I'm not asked here, and I don't want to get deeper into the discussion about strong communities overruling small communities and the like - that's a different topic as I hope not to argument as a community, but as an individual mapper.

But from my point of view your position still lacks the big thing about support for your proposal: You as a community (at least you claim to speak for "the Czech community", probably you're right, I don't know) have decided to...

Which tools do you use for that?
Are beginners fine with that decision?
Are they able to deal with that?
Are they able to deal with that without getting a dedicated introduction and explanation on how to do it?
Where do they get the corresponding instructions?

Do you know of individual newcomers being able to understand that scheme without such kind of introduction? Did anybody use it this way - without introduction - edits of existent relations of that kind are enough as an argument, I think. Are these people IT/Database experts in some kind, or gps navigation system users that start to map out of interest?

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