On Mon, Oct 15, 2012 at 11:27 AM, Martin Vonwald <imagic....@gmail.com> wrote:

> Sorry, you are wrong - I drew the image ;-) But because the image is
> not 100% clear I added a note in the related article and now I have to
> make sure the note is correct and clear.

Your image and note are not really helping. The figure tend to
represent the physical layout but a footnote says that it is just a
legal separation. And even worse, you say that some people are
violating the general guideline... So please, for the newcomers and
sake of clarity, improve your picture and draw a single solid line
only or any thing that do not confuse readers. Because what is "2
solid lines" in section 5 becomes a real physical seperation on
section 6. And remove the footnote comment admitting mistakes. This is
happening daily in OSM but it is not a reason to accept them in the
wiki doc.


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