2012/10/15 Tobias Knerr <o...@tobias-knerr.de>:
> I would choose (a) and reserve separate ways for _actual_ physical
> separation.
> One practical reason for doing so is that there would simply be no
> possibility to distinguish legally separate ways from physically
> separate ways if we used the same mapping (splitting the way) for both.
> Splitting the way at that point could be considered "tagging for the
> router", in my opinion, and ignores the needs of applications that do
> use OSM for something else than navigation.

+1 to all of this. If we want to be able to distinguish physical and
legal separations we have to stick to our own rules. Anyway there will
always remain a slightly unsatisfactory geometry situation on points
like these, because you have to do the transition from 1 way (in the
middle of 4 lanes) to 2 ways (each in the middle of 2 lanes). There is
simply no really elegant way to do this.

Additionally to the lanes=4 and oneway=yes you could put a divider-tag
on the way http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposed_features/Divider
even if it doesn't explicitly tell you where the divider is placed you
might be able to infer it from the following ways (at least in this


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