There's maybe a difference between the case of two lanes in the same direction, and two lanes in opposite directions.

On 16/10/2012 11:44, Janko Mihelic' wrote:
I posted this picture the last time this came up. It shows that dividing roads is silly in some situations, for example countryside roads:

You have to divide the road each time there is not a full line on the road, ad you should put a restriction where those roads meet that restricts U-turns. What is the answer to that?


2012/10/16 Simone Saviolo < <>>

    2012/10/16 Martin Koppenhöfer <

        Am 16/ott/2012 um 11:28 schrieb Markus Lindholm
        < <>>:

        > To be able to do proper routing for emergency vehicles
        perhaps it
        > would be a good idea to introduce something like
        landuse=highway that
        > would denote an area suitable for motor vehicles and that is
        free of
        > physical obstacles.

        There is a relation proposal (area) that suggests a solution
        to this without explicitly drawn closed areas

    Martin, could we please try to revive the proposal and make it go
    forward? I am one of those who would like to draw roads as an
    area, as you know :-)

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