2012/12/4 Martin Koppenhoefer <dieterdre...@gmail.com>:

> if you see the address as "feature" it should be an area and not a
> node, but if you add it to a POI I'd see it as an attribute and there
> is no problem in adding it multiple times. Putting an address-node on
> a building-outline to mark an entrance seems odd, why not tag the
> entrance with "entrance" and put the address on the whole building
> outline (or even on the whole site it applies to if you have this
> information)?

We are running in circles here.
Putting it on the building outline or the site outline/relation seems
right, but doesn't work for multiple addresses on the same

> If there are multiple addresses for the same area one can simply
> create multiple address-objects.

You just said above that addresses are not features, but attributes.
So what is an 'address object' and how can I create multiple of them?
If you mean to create multiple building outlines to tag an address on
each, we are clearly in the realm of 'one feature, one OSM element'.

May I also add that, at least in theory, we are talking about a
spacial database which should have no problem in determine which
element lies within which other element.
So an amenity node inside a building has an implicit relation to that
building and could 'inherit' its address. So there is, again: in
theory, no need for repeating the address on each POI.
In the real world, we should of course just add that little but of
redundancy because most data consumers and even our database are not
that 'spacial aware'.

I tried to find out what an address really points to here in Germany.
I wasn't successful. You get a house number for a parcel of land, even
without a house on it, but only if it is already connected to a
street. When you build a house you definitely get one. Or the house
inherits the number from the parcel. But you can get more than one
number if you build multiple houses. (Or you can build additional
houses without a number.) You can also get more numbers if you have
multiple entrances to a building. But it is no problem for several
flats in the same building to share the same number too. I couldn't
find out on who's discretion this happens. And then there is the
postal service, which some times even defines its own scheme when it
for instance give a whole postal code range to a company, sets the
address of a building to some street/city it isn't located at/in or
delivers to mailboxes that are not in the same street then the
buildings they belong to.

my 2 cents,

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