Am 04.12.2012 22:27, schrieb Markus Lindholm:
On 4 December 2012 17:44, Martin Koppenhoefer < <>> wrote:

    2012/12/4 Markus Lindholm <
    >> > it would make it impossible to render addresses and POIs at
    the same
    >> > time.
    >> this depends entirely on your rendering rules.
    > How would you devise a rendering rule that makes an intelligible
    map with
    > two icons mapped on top of each other on the same spot?

    why should the address be an icon?

I include numerical digits in the concept of an icon. So to reiterate, your scheme makes it impossible to render addresses and POIs at the same time.
Yes, there are two "conflicting" information packets on the same spot, one is the address and one is the POI that could be rendered e.g. as a shop. But it's up to the rendering rules how to deal with that. Using a distinct address node currently leads to arbitrary random decisions which element to draw on the map due to space collision detection. Having both in one icon could (but is not currently) be used to define rules about how to draw a shop that has an address - e.g. by slightly moving the house number to the bottom of the icon, or by rendering the housenumber on top of the icon willingly (might depend on the icon).

I don't see why that's more a problem in one node than in different ones - except that the current rendering rules don't fit here. In that your argumentation sounds much like a tagging-for-the-renderer-argumentation.

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