2013/1/25 fly <lowfligh...@googlemail.com>

> but I also see a problem with using power=sub_station for all now. I think
> there
> is a difference between big substations and the real small ones (tagged
> with as
> substations right now). Even if it is only a difference in voltage, we will
> loose this information. Also I would have to either tag the object as
> substation
> and transformer or add another node for the transformer (rarely visible)
> within
> the closed way.

We can use a medium solution and introduce these values for voltage:
voltage=low, voltage=medium, voltage=high. Those can than be shown on a map
as an error (like fixme=*), and mappers will have to put real voltage
instead of these.

> Think we aswell need a tag for power plants as I often have problems to
> tag the
> power=generator on big power plants and some even have more than one. Where
> should I add my tags, to the real generators or the whole area ?

I think power=generator was meant to be used as power=sub_station, so the
whole area. Problem is that power plants often have many parts, especially
hydro power plants (landuse=reservoir, man_made=pipeline,
power=sub_station, power=generator, numerous other buildings). Which ones
are contained in the power=generator area? We should make a better wiki
page for those.

As the power=* tags seem to be more isolated than some other tags it might
> be
> possible to try a complete but carefully redesigning once we have
> clarified the
> meanings and there translations.
> This will hopefully include correcting misspelled tags.

I agree. We could add the tag power=substation to the wiki and patiently
wait for mappers to adopt it. And in a few years, we could do to
power=sub_station what we are doing now to power=station :)

Janko Mihelić
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