2013/1/25 Martin Vonwald (imagic) <imagic....@gmail.com>

> Am 25.01.2013 um 20:23 schrieb Ole Nielsen <on-...@xs4all.nl>:
> > It is a little bit sad that the proposal
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposed_features/Power_generation_refinementdied
>  due to lack of votes. It would have resolved these problems. Maybe
> somebody could review and eventually improve it and put it forward for a
> new vote (this time advertised properly).
> I definitively would support this! Maybe we should just reopen it for RFC
> for a month or two and then put it up for a vote.

So do I!

About power=generator, according to the don-vip's proposal, it's the same
as substations.
Areas covering the facility is tagged with power=plant whereas generators
(nodal) are described with power=generator right in the power=plant area.
Although, a big power plant with many different generation mediums would
have many power=generators with different source=* tags.
In substations there're an area with power=sub_station (or substation, it
depends of what is adopted) and transformers in it.

The voltage difference must definetly be written in a voltage=* tag, not by
the type of substation in the power tag.

Two other similar situations, regarding power lines.
I've started a talk around the deprecation of power=cable here
http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Talk:Tag:power%3Dcable for the same
In a functional way of thinking, location must be brought by another tag,
location=* obviously, not by a value of power=* because it's still a power
line matter.

The second one concern the values minor_* like power=miinor_line,
power=minor_cable... Shouldn't we use two tags instead of only one to
specify such information?

These issues had to be discussed in an overall proposal.


*François Lacombe*

francois dot lacombe At telecom-bretagne dot eu
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