If I may summarize things to this point, two general proposals have been made:

1. Extend the normal street addressing to include lots, sites or pitches

2. Add a whole new set of tags specific to campsites.

My camping experience has been mostly in the western United States and my views 
are affected by that.

With that disclaimer out of the way, it appears that commercial campgrounds 
usually have traditional street addresses for the entire complex. For those a 
good case can be made that simply adding a addr:unit=* (or other equivalent) 
tag will work. Some private campground seem to have named their internal 
driveway system. So you could argue for those a traditional addr:street=*, 
addr:housenumber=* tag would work, except maybe if it obscures the official 
street address for the whole campground.

Most of the public (state parks, USFS, NPS) campgrounds in my area do not have 
a street address. At least none posted and it seems inappropriate to me having 
a addr:unit tag with no addr:housenumber tag. In addition, I'm not even 
positive that there are posted road names for a number of these campgrounds. 
There may be a forest route number shown on a forest service map but it may not 
be signed in the field. A addr:unit with no addr:street seems even less 

I assume uniform tagging is desired for all cases and it does not appear to me 
that anything with addr:whatever will work in all cases. So my inclination 
would be to follow Andrew Errington's suggestion and use tags specifically 
catering to campsites. He proposed the following:

On Jun 17, 2013, at 7:01 AM, Andrew Errington wrote:

> Yes.  Instead, I suggest that you use tourism=camp_site and put the name in 
> name=*
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:tourism%3Dcamp_site
> I would also suggest that addr:*=* is inappropriate for pitches on the site.  
> addr:*=* would be for the campsite itself, probably the site office, but if 
> there is no address (for the campsite) then you can't make one- just use 
> name=* as above.
> How about making a set of tags for a pitch?  ("pitch" is the area upon which 
> the caravan or tent is situated).  You can create a node or an area (probably 
> a rectangle) and use ref=* for the pitch number.  I don't know quite how to 
> do the namespace, but something like:
> camp_site=pitch (this is a pitch for a tent or caravan or motorhome)
> camp_site:parking=yes/no (you can park next to your tent)
> camp_site:electric=yes/no (there is an electrical hookup for this pitch)
> camp_site:water=yes/no (there is a water tap for this pitch)
> camp_site:drain=yes/no (there is a grey water drain for this pitch)
> camp_site:type=tent;caravan;motorhome/static (the things we can put on this 
> pitch)
> camp_site:surface=grass/gravel/concrete
> Best wishes,
> Andrew

I think that it would make sense to allow some of those tags to be used on the 
way that bounds the entire campground. For example camp_site:water=yes/no may 
be the same for all sites/pitches within a campground and tagging it in one 
place, if appropriate, assures consistency. (The campground I was looking at 
when I started this discussion has piping to various spots and up to about 20 
years ago water was supplied. But with increasing strict water quality 
standards and decreasing manpower to maintain and test, the forest service 
simply turned off the water and now lists the campground as without water. 
Tagging the campground rather than the individual sites/pitches makes more 
sense to me in that type of situation.)

The Wiki page at 
http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposed_features/Extend_camp_site has been 
marked as abandoned. I am new at this and am uncertain of the next step to 
follow. Should the page be altered to show renewed interest in the topic? If so 
who should alter it? Or should a new page be added with a proposal along the 
lines of whatever this mail list thread settles into? How does voting work? Etc.


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