On the other hand, a road labeled as "use at your own risk" may well be one 
that is not currently being maintained, meaning that you have increased odds of 
finding it impassable due to washouts, landslides, and the like.  I have seen 
some one-lane tracks where any type of blockage would mean you would have to 
back up for a long ways before reaching a point where you could turn around.

Greg Troxel <g...@ir.bbn.com> wrote:
> Volker Schmidt <vosc...@gmail.com> writes:
> > I am sure this has been asked many times before:
> > How do I tag correctly a path/track/road that bears the label
> "access at
> > your own risk"
> Don't use the access tag :-)  That's about right of access, and that
> sort of sign is usually either:
>  a real warning that it's physically difficult (which is separate from
>   'no trespassing'
> or
> some notion like "road legally closed.  proceed at your own risk" that
>   shows up in roads under construction when really it's obvious that
>   it's intended they still be used, but there's some disclaimer of the
>   usual liability.  Connecticut, US is notorious for this.  ("state
>   legally closed" is the old joke from 10+ years ago)
> So I'd say that each kind of situation probably should get its own tag
> -
> the above two situations are totally different.
> A 'hazard' tag was suggested.  I would say it's wrong to use a hazard
> tag because there's a "this is scary" sign, rather than it actually
> being hazardous.
> I'd try to avoid interpreting and use somemthing like
>   notice=at_own_risk
> which keeps OSM out of the interpretation/liabiltiy-discussion
> business
> - instead just noting that there is a sign that says this sort of
> thing.
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John F. Eldredge -- j...@jfeldredge.com
"Darkness cannot drive out darkness: 
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