Am 12.08.2013, 21:55 Uhr, schrieb Yuri D'Elia <>:

On 08/08/2013 11:54 PM, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
I guess in this case I can simply re-use the geometry in a new relation
with the proper valley name with type=multipolygon, place=region,

I'd use type=multipolygon natural=valley

I'm still not satisfied with type=multipolygon:


* The relation has tags:
  Use the relation tagging. Ignore anything on the ways.

However, this is not what should happen for a lake group where each lake
name is independent (ie, the group is just a topological feature). And,
as I said before, unnamed lakes should not inherit the name of the group.

After re-reading the whole thread, I tend to agree with fly more, as a
boundary type seem to be much more appropriate:

name=lake group name

the boundary relation has the advantage of not requiring a fake polygon
(as opposed to place=locality).

I have two examples of type=multipolygon which I introduced:

whole type=multipolygon relation simply broke the rendering (but
renderers here seem to be compliant).

Hmm, I'm not sure that boundary is the right tag. Isn't it a border, and not an area?

The problem is, that multipolygon don't work in 2 cases:
- The areas touch each other.
- The "areas" are multipolygons. A multipolygon as a member in a other multipolygon is not allowed.

Either we allowed this, or we need any relation which collect these things...

(What the renderer do, is not primary. If we find a good tagging, the renderer should follow the tagging, not backwards.)

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