Dear all,

Mapping holiday flats is interesting, since if I look for a holiday flat at a 
location that interests me, I can spot available flats e.g. close to the beach 
or the village etc. and access directly to the contact information.

Or, currently there are tags for all kind of accommodation: hotels, hostels, 
guesthouses ... but not for holiday flats.

The closest tag is "tourism=chalet", which also is for a rental accommodation. 
But this tag is more meant for standalone houses, where you rent the entire 
house, and more in a mountain context, where houses are more isolated. It might 
be possible though to slightly extend this tag and use it also for holiday 
The problem is, that actually, there are renderers which render chalets on a 
higher zoom level, since there often in lonely regions. Where as holiday flats 
are often more dense, where there might be a lot in a single village.

Please see the proposal here:

Thanks for your comment on making a new tag or extending "tourism=chalet".


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