2014/1/3 Richard Welty <rwe...@averillpark.net>:
> On 1/2/14 8:31 PM, Dave Swarthout wrote:
>> I think of the word "flat" as being distinctly British. I have only
>> rarely heard the word "flat" used to describe and apartment in the
>> U.S. When I first glanced at the beginning of this thread I thought
>> the OP was referring to flats of flowers. LOL
> flat was once much more commonly used in the US.
> and since OSM tends towards UK English usage, i think it's
> perfectly reasonable for OSM to use the term.

Reasonable, but since both "flat" and "apartment" may be vulnerable to
some international confusion, it's worth bearing that in mind.

We already have good tagging for building types, so it seems to me
there's no particular need to use the tourism=* tag to indicate
whether the accommodation is a free-standing chalet or a flat. If I
were starting from scratch, I might advocate tourism=self_catering.
But tourism=chalet is very close in meaning (except for the
implication that it's a free-standing building!) so I wonder if we can
simply use that existing tag, and let the building=* tags help us
decide if we want to spend our holiday in a free-standing structure!

I'd suggest that adding tourism=holiday_flat as well as tourism=chalet
is compounding an existing problem, making it so we have two tags
rather than one which unhelpfully merge building-type information and
primary-use information. I'd really like to suggest either modifying
the definition of tourism=chalet so it's more inclusive, or using
something like tourism=self_catering.


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