
this is the first time I am answering to a mailing list. I checked
"digest" and now I am not sure how to give individual answers, so I am
going to answer to various questions of you within a single mail.
Sorry. (I already unchecked "digest", so hopefully things will become
easier next time.)


David Bannon wrote:
> I'm particularly interested in unsealed and 4x4 roads/tracks, sure you have 
> seen the recent discussion.

No, not yet. Where can I find that discussion?

> We already have - surface=, smoothness=, tracktype=, 4wd_only=.
> we'll need a better view of the possible values, thoughts ?
I found a couple of values in taginfo (from a key of an abandoned
proposal): http://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/keys/?key=usability#values
Interesting values are: yes, no, robust_wheels, 4wd.
In my proposal I am using the unapproved value "off_road_vehicle"
which is supposed to be different from "4wd". (A 4wd shall be an off
road vehicle but also a tractor.)

Philip Barnes wrote:
> Whilst the idea is sound, I am not sure about the name.
I am flexible with that. We can go with "usability" for example.

Dan S wrote:
> It reminds me quite a lot of opening_hours
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:opening_hours
> Would that be appropriate?

No, it wouldn't. I modified the proposal in order to answer your
question. Please see there.

Dave Swarthout wrote:
> Perhaps usability or passable or ???
I like "usability". There is an abandoned proposal:
Would it be possible to recycle the word "usability" for my proposal?


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