> Am 03/lug/2014 um 21:55 schrieb Fernando Trebien <fernando.treb...@gmail.com>:
> But apart from that, I'm ok with mapping both features (contour and
> axis), and indeed I've been doing so. But I'm amazed that major
> airports in the world currently don't do that.

I wouldn't do it, it is redundant and someone counting all runways will 
probably count these twice

> It is possible that width rendering is complicated by map projections.
> For instance, a width of 10 metres yields a different width in pixels
> depending on latitude. Nonetheless I believe it is doable.

Yes, this is one reason , the other is that mapnik doesn't support parametric 
parameters yet (e.g. take a color or a width from the db and use it as 
rendering style), or at least didn't until recently (I think this is a planned 
feature though)

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