Am 09.07.2014 17:29, schrieb Pieren:
> We get increasing feedbacks on my local list that the new rendering
> rule is counter-intuitive (to not say that it is considered as a bug).
> Now roads are rendered on top of buildings even when roads are really
> under buildings or underground (tunnels). Why not when your primary
> interest is for roads, but it's not so nice when your interest is
> buildings ;-)
> Examples:
> This is now clearly a map style oriented for transport and the result
> is more abstractive than previously where the z order reflected more
> the real world. We can blame Google for many things but, at least,
> they render tunnels below the buildings... If you don't like
> buildings, than make it frankly and remove them completely from the
> style.


another problem is that building=roof is not rendered at all, anymore:

resulting in a new note:

cu fly

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