2014-07-18 11:15 GMT+02:00 Eugene Alvin Villar <sea...@gmail.com>:

> +1. I've always ignored the fact that the main rendering draws
> amenity=place_of_worship in a really dark color and I tag the whole church
> grounds as amenity=place_of_worship and tag the church building itself with
> building=church. This is similar to how I tag the whole school grounds with
> amenity=school.

I'm not sure "church grounds" is a place of worship. People don't usually
worship God in an organized manner besides the church.

I know of some churches in Croatia where there is an altar and pews out in
the open [1]. I think these kinds of setups are the only cases where you
map amenity=place_of_worship not as a building (at least in christian

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