2014-07-18 17:55 GMT+02:00 Jesse B. Crawford <je...@jbcrawford.us>:

> Something I've noticed as an American that works with many foreign
> nationals is that the majority of people who learn English in a foreign
> country seem to learn British English - my sample may be biased since I
> work with a lot of people from India, which is a former colony, but amongst
> people from China and Germany for example I am also used to seeing the
> British spellings.
> Even being part of the (small around here it seems) group that's
> inconvenienced by it, I think that it's important that the project
> standardize on British English. In the case of existing tags people will
> hopefully tend to use the spelling that's already predominant, but new tags
> are being added at such a rate that it's still an issue.
> In the case of jewellery vs. jewelry (the former of which upsets my en_US
> spellchecker), I would encourage automatically correcting "jewelry" as a
> spelling error. Yes, there is value to looking at what tags currently
> exist, but people who are writing queries against the dataset shouldn't
> have to write several other queries just to take a guess at which spelling
> is the "accepted" one.

American English is a fork... ;)

Christian Quest - OpenStreetMap France
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