On Jul 21, 2014, at 10:06 PM, Martin Koppenhoefer <dieterdre...@gmail.com> 

> I am not sure if I completely understand your question. I think the "rest" 
> (or whole area) can evventually be split over different landuses, that is not 
> a problem itself. "landuse" is not suited (IMHO) to create a feature on its 
> own (besides that of the use of land).

My Main question is on my understanding of the landuse+building tagging scheme. 
Because OSM tags have grown organically, there are rough systems for tagging 
objects, but there seems to be a clash of those systems when it comes to 
mapping area+building for common town building types. 

So (1), as a noob tagger, I want to make sure I'm not misunderstanding 
something when it comes to mapping houses, businesses, industrial, etc - 
because I see landuse categories as a great way to map the usable land the 
building and it's **related** amenities.

Therefore (2), I want to add the "missing" landuses that would extend to civic 
buildings (hence the landuse=civic discussion), defend landuse=religious, and 
yes, eventually get around to =education - because those are the landuses 
missing for a large class of buildings in every town in the world. 

I want to standardize the landuse+building tag scheme by adding some missing 

Since I am having trouble conveying this to you, I made a chart. it is a little 
big (120KB) to be on the mailing list, so I put it online. 

I want to simplify tagging areas and buildings by having enough landuse tags to 
cover the major types - and a more simplified tagging scheme overall will 
convert more of the noob taggers who sign up for OSM into actual mappers, which 
currently has a very low conversion rate.  Most beginning mappers aren't going 
to be in JOSM or Potlach, but use iD and the wiki (me currently) - and the 
arbitrariness of the tagging system documented in the wiki is very difficult to 
internalize, so you can map without constant reference to the wiki to find out 
what different tagging schema this area+building has vs all the rest (townhall 
vs a house vs a school are all completely different for no **necessary** 

Consistently applied tagging schema is an easy way to do this, and since 
mapping areas+buildings is a major part of OSM, making the landuse tag more 
consistent seems to be an easy way to help this - especially when it is adds 
(at most) 2 or 3 additional large categories (on the same level as retail or 
residential). The tagging mailing list seems to be the place to discuss such 

So here I am, suggesting Landuse=civic, defending landuse=religious, and hoping 
for a landuse=education.

I hope I made my question and my proposed solution clear enough. 


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