> Am 08/ago/2014 um 12:47 schrieb k4r573n <k4r5...@googlemail.com>:
> In my opinion these paths shouldn't be used by default and we need a tag
> to ensure routers and renders have a possibility to do so.
> access=destination
> destination=climbing
> seams to be the best possibility

If there are legally binding signs, yes, if the legal significance of the signs 
is something like:"it would be kind if you won't use this path, because it is 
narrow and there is no room for many tourists to go along, as well as the 
wildlife will be disturbed by high frequentation, so even if you might legally 
go there, please consider not doing it.", then this tagging is "tagging for the 
routers" in the original meaning: abusing an established tag for something 
different in order to achieve the desired outcome.

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