This looks like a great piece of work. Thank you for your efforts.

I would like to suggest somehow adding access to your proposal (as a level
subkey?). Many times there are levels in a building that are restricted for
one reason or another and it would help to know which these are. From the
examples it would seem there is a way to add a name to a level but it's not
clear to me how one would go about tagging it. Access could be added in a
similar fashion.



On Sat, Sep 20, 2014 at 5:11 PM, Peter Barth <> wrote:

> Hi,
> starting after the SOTM-EU we've worked hard on a new proposal for
> indoor tagging: Simple Indoor Tagging. The Proposal can be found here:
> We think that this proposal is simple and holistic at once and ready to
> be used. Anyhow, we'd like to hear your opinion if there's something we
> missed. Please comment either here, at the proposal's discussion page or
> in the original thread in the forum (
> Peda
> --
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Dave Swarthout
Homer, Alaska
Chiang Mai, Thailand
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