Tod Fitch wrote on 2014-09-21 18:05:
On the second point, looking on printed maps of many vintages and at several 
routing engines,
> I see a distinction between "paved" and "unpaved". But not, with the 
exception of maps for a
> pretty specialized small group of people like highway engineers, between 
various paving types.
> So I think the biggest use of the "surface=*" tag is to determine 
"paved=yes/no". Giving a
> multivalued field to data consumers that need a boolean value requires a 
translation of some sort.

As others already pointed out, the definition of 'paved' depends on the use. 
And OSM gives us the
chance, contrary to vintage printed maps, to customise maps to specialised 
users, even if that
group might be very small.

To cite the gravel road again, while the truck driver is happy that she does 
not sink in the mud,
and consider this as a kind of paving, the cyclist will avoid it if somehow 

Thus the detailed list of surface is fine, and the router can decide based on 
the user profile what
to use and to avoid, i.e. what this particular usage considers paving.

And the list is easy enough for a novice to understand, better than letting him 
make the
decision what paving means.

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