Thanks all for your reactions. I also think that the most changes made to
wiki are made in good faith and with good intentions and that is to improve
OSM. This even goes for Ulamm. He also wants to improve OSM  but it is just
the way he does this that gets me irritated.  Most of us (I guess) do this
after some sort of agreement in a part of the community. The impression I
get from Ulamm is that he is so convinced of his own opinion that he sees
this is a justification to changes all wiki's that claim differently.  When
MasiMaster and I were convinced OSM needed a tag like use_sidepath we
followed the proposal proces. Time consuming indeed but I think with a
better result then just changing wiki pages and upsetting people that did
not understand why. It kind of surprises me that Ulamm has something to do
with the soft_lane proposal.

The other thing with the way Ulamm acts is that I now am a lot more
sceptical towards OSM wiki pages. I don't know that many people that do
editing but if I see his name as one of the editors then it makes me
reserved.On top of that it is time consuming. Call me naive but I usually
believe wiki pages (unless of coarse I read something that conflicts with
my common sense ;-) ) Checking credibility of wiki pages is not really my
hobby. I'd rather do some mapping.

@ Hubert. Not sure which pages you refer to. I thought it was this
<>one but you
do not seem the person that changed it.


2014-10-21 22:36 GMT+02:00 Hubert <>:

> Pre up: I have worked with him on the soft_lane proposal - results pending.
> I think his intentions are good and that he just takes the "be bold" part
> of
> the wiki too seriously, or the changes he makes are too large.
> That said, I believe that talking to others is an important part of a
> Community Project like OSM. If there are people that don't see that it will
> upset others.
> Also, FYI, I have updated the german pages on highway=cycleway und
> cycleway=* (track template page) concerning the use of cw=use_sidepath as
> defined prior (7.10 and 8.10). I hope this last a bit.
> Regards Hubert
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