John Willis <> wrote:
> "multi" fits the sports tagging scheme well, and I think it is best for the 
> religion tag too.
> "All"is not good, as most sports places don have a clay sumo ring or a sandy 
> pit for beach volleyball set up, so "all" would be wrong.

I guess this is a reply to my idea of separate tagging:

> non-denominational places (Airport chapels ...)
(OR religion=nondenominational)

> places shared between faiths (but specific faiths, not all faiths)
religion=multi + religion:religion1=yes + religion:religion2=yes
(OR religion=religion1;religion2 but you are into semi-colon value separator)

My idea was to answer to SomeoneElse in

I don't propose to discard "multi" for "all". Instead I consider if
there is value to use both, religion=all in some cases and
religion=multi in other cases.

> "All"is not good, [...]
> Similarly, animal sacrifice and practicing voodoo at the airport's prayer 
> room might get you arrested.

Oh my. It does not mean voodoo practionners are not allowed into the
prayer room as long as they respect country and airport laws and
regulations. This is not a question of restricted access or restricted
faith/religion but of adaquate behaviour.
I have never seen a sign 'no voodoo' on the prayer room of any
airport. If this prayer room with this sign does exist, then it could
be defined as multi. Or all + religion:voodoo=no.
[[[ [heavy sarcasm] Did you know that every religion has at least one
practice not suitable for a prayer room, name it: flogging
(self-inflicted flagellation), stoning (lapidation), circumcision, ...
Should we ban every religion from prayer rooms? ]]]

I think the spirit of these prayer rooms is to welcome anyone, from all faiths.
From the website of airports:
"multi-faith prayer rooms in each terminal" at Heathrow. (against voodoo?) ;-)
"a prayer room for all faiths and denominations" at Stansted.
"We welcome people of all faiths to join us in our chapel and prayer
rooms" at Gatwick.

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