I didn't follow every bits of the discussion, so sorry for
interrupting. Sorry also if my proposals are out of scope or already
reviewed. Maybe a fresh view can help.

@Marc amenity=drinking_water // amenity=non_drinking_water
It feels like a good start and compromise.
Either can be associated with a more physical feature that represents
an outlet of a water network.

A few tagging examples...

any point with drinking water:
+ [opt] man_made=*

a well:
+ [opt] amenity=drinking_water/non_drinking_water

a tap:
+ [opt] amenity=drinking_water/non_drinking_water

a water point:
man_made=water_tap or man_made=water_point or man_made=water_supply or ...
+ [opt] amenity=drinking_water/non_drinking_water
* currently exists amenity=water_point ... I find it a bad tag, this
one I would consider to maybe deprecate and link as a equivalent
amenity=water_point <=> amenity=drinking_water + man_made=[to_be_chosen]

and it should not implies drinking_water=yes.

a fountain for cultural / decorational / recreational purposes [often
not suitable for drinking]:
(man_made=fountain is maybe more logical... and here 2x amenity can clash)
* if it is drinking water, a workaround would be two features, ideally
a node amenity=drinking_water within an area (however small)
amenity=fountain. Some fountains are also detailed with an area of

toilets with drinking water
amenity=toilets and amenity=drinking_water as two features (2 nodes or

drinking fountain
+ [opt] man_made=* (man_made=fountain if there is a need?)

Either way, the slightly conflicting tag are
amenity=[non_]drinking_water and drinking_water=yes/no.
They should be linked and treated together in algorithms.
I think amenity=drinking_water is a valuable tag because it is useful
to people. It makes sense to use it alone.
drinking_water=yes alone on a node makes less sense IMO.

water_point and water_tap should not assume

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