Am 21.01.2015 um 00:03 schrieb Mariusz:
> Judging from Google Street photos (from 2008) all four lanes are motorrad.
> The sign 331.2 - end of motorrad - can be seen at about this location:
> This would imply the way is
> motorrad, and hence the bridge too.

Good clue.

But since this is (one of) the first possibilities to put a sign to end
the motorroad, this maybe meaningless.

Just imagine the situation was true, that there is a single lane which
is not motorroad, then why shouldn't you put a sign, which is applied to
all lanes?

> By the way, at this entry to motorrad from Daniel-von-Büren-Straße
> the sign 331.1 - begining of motorrad - is visible at left side. It
> should be applied to whole road, not only to the left lane.

Well, I think the German law might not be that straight at those
situations. I am not a lawyer, but at the StVO it reads like: Regularly
the signs are at the right hand side of the road and if they just apply
to single lanes, they are above those lanes (see StVO §39 (2)).

Well, this sentence sounds like bullshit to me (maybe somebody can tell
me what is regelmäßig means). However - the best I knew.


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