> On Jan 26, 2015, at 4:49 AM, Vincent Pottier <vpott...@gmail.com> wrote:
> dedication


If we’re going to make something that goes with the religion tag, we might want 
to make it more universal. 

There are different shrines for different kinds of buddhas, Different various 
shinto gods, and something having to do with the “7 gods” (of which I have no 
idea where they come from) here in Japan. There are statues, shrines, temples, 
and other building/monuments that are not only for a certain religion and 
denomination, but to a specific deity / person / thing . having a tag to 
particularly show who/what is enshrined there seems to be a good idea. This 
might be flexible enough to handle some secular things as well, like a stature 
commemorating a certain event/person/thing that is not directly mentioned in 
it’s name. 

There might also be a need for "specialty" or something.   Many shrines are 
known for specific things - go here to pray for a good birth, go here to pray 
for health - there is even a shrine for “test taking” near Tokyo University. 
People purchase charms there just for their kids / students who are taking 
entrance exams (to high school / college).  something with tag values such as 
=fertility =luck =marriage. But this is a nebulous idea. But as many shrines 
are dedicated to a deity for that purpose, this might be redundant information 
if you understand the deity worshipped there.

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