2015-02-25 15:09 GMT+01:00 Swen Wacker <swen.wac...@gmail.com>:

> I have not yet found any text that doesn't state that the plot is the main
>> unit for numbering
> http://www.rosenheim.de/uploads/media/631f.pdf
> http://www.bad-doberan.de/uploads/media/Hausnummernsatzung.pdf
> http://www.grimmen.de/cgi-bin/homepage/grimmen/Satzung_Straszen-Hausnummern
> http://www.saalfeld.de/files/1097774A150/Satzung+ueber+Strassennamen+und+Hausnummern.pdf

thank you for these references. I have noticed that all of them reference
the BauGB §126, which seems to confirm that this is the legal basis for the
numbering. So we can conclude that some Länder / Gemeinden (federal states
/ municipalities) will assign numbers to empty plots only as an exception
(public needs or on request of the proprietor if he can prove a special
requirement) and will assign numbers to every independently used building,
while others (like the aforementioned Berlin) put the focus on the plot.

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