When you enter a National Park in a country in Africa you usually have to
register with the gatekeeper (not the same as the ticket counter)

On Fri, Mar 6, 2015 at 1:47 PM Friedrich Volkmann <b...@volki.at> wrote:

> On 06.03.2015 12:09, Paul Johnson wrote:
> >  May be related to the United States Department of Agriculture's National
> > Forest Service use permits.  Typically a small wooden box with some
> pencils
> > and waterproof application cards inside, on which you are either strongly
> > encouraged or legally obligated to spell out where you're going, who's
> with
> > you, when you're expected back, what trailhead you parked at and what
> your
> > vehicle's registration plate (or serial number in case of vehicles that
> > don't require a plate).  Usually no charge (and often there's a warning
> > encouraging people not to donate cash in the box).  Rangers typically
> check
> > these weekly or so, as well as before bad weather, empty out the filled
> out
> > cards and resupply them so they know who didn't come back, who needs
> rescue,
> > and where they need to hike to in order to warn people to get off the
> mountain.
> You may add that to the proposal page if you like.
> I heard of one or two fia ferrata where climbers are required to add to the
> log, but most registers in central europe are optional to use.
> We can tag which registers are optional or obligatory, but I don't know if
> that information is of any practical use.
> It's similar to obligatory cycleways. I think that the information should
> not be set on the cylceways or the register, respectively, because the use
> is obligatory only for users of a corresponding feature. Concerning
> registers, that corresponding feature is a highway=path, a route relation,
> a
> building, a cave, or similar. In your example, it's certainly a forest.
> So we could add some register=yes/no/obligatory (or compulsory?) tag to the
> path/route/forest/etc.
> --
> Friedrich K. Volkmann       http://www.volki.at/
> Adr.: Davidgasse 76-80/14/10, 1100 Wien, Austria
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