On Tue, Mar 10, 2015 at 08:50:36AM +1100, Warin wrote:
> On 10/03/2015 1:22 AM, ael wrote:
> >I have resorted to changing railway=abandoned to railway=disused
> >on several occasions just to get mapnik and friends to render
> >bridges. Bridges over roads and rivers are major features of relevance
> Possible work around?
> Use the tag man_made=bridge to tag the bridge area?
> Keeps the railway correctly tagged. And places the bridge correctly.
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:man_made%3Dbridge

I think that may be a good pragmatic solution for the moment at least.
I will have to make some sort of very rough estimate of an area from my
surveys, photographs and gps traces. These bridges are under tree cover
and are not visible in aerial imagery. 

I would be more comfortable with tagging them as a short ways which do
not introduce spurious accuracy into the data base. I see from the page
that taginfo shows that to be in use despite the prohibition in the

In passing, I am a little bemused that so many people seem to have missed
the hint that I normally regard tagging for the renderer as evil by
using the word "Blatant" in the title of this thread and that it was
sort of a confession and plea for help on how to avoid doing that.

Anyway, it seems to have been productive overall and it sounds as if the
decision on the "standard" rendering might be revisited.


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