On 16/03/2015 9:41 AM, David Bannon wrote:
On Sat, 2015-03-14 at 11:14 +0100, Jörg Frings-Fürst wrote:

Where in the rules is the only persons who have participated previously
allowed to vote?
It most certainly does not say that. On the other hand, sitting back and
only being involved to vote 'no' is -

1. Bad manners. And any community has many unwritten manners rules.

2. Unproductive. Lot of well meaning effort goes into a proposal, where
is the pleasure in killing it, apparently just for the sake of killing
it ?

There is a lot more benefit in improving a tag. Please use the comments/draft 
time to do that.

I would oppose firm rules like Jorg mentioned but, like any community,
we need to indicate clearly just what bad manners are ! Perhaps a short
para on good manners on the voting page ?

"Best Practice"? And it needs to be for the draft/comments section. With an 
expansion on the voting section?


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