On Thu, 2015-03-26 at 12:36 +0000, Jan van Bekkum wrote:
> Non-designated is not necessarily temporary. Some hotels may offer the
> service for many years, but it is not officially announced and not
> listed. For overlanders this information is too important not to have
> it mapped somehow.

I still think the the problem is the word, "non-designated". Its a
contradiction IMHO. Just about everywhere is non-designated, what makes
these particular spots special ?  The answer is that they are somehow
"sponsored" by some hotel or what ever.  So would a better approach be
camp_site=sponsored  ?

You are camping there because the Hotel either encourages, or at least
does not discourage camping. I guess they get some benefit and they may
provide some services and do provide some security. The defining
characteristic of this camp site is its associated with the Hotel.

Would that cover the Kite Club you mention ?  Is the Kite Club a
sponsoring body ?  Or just a name for a location ?

If its just a location, then camp_site=basic sounds like it fits.

     (camp_site=* ) -
sponsored = A place to camp near a (commercial?) operation that may
            provide some limited facilities and security. 
basic = nothing other than an area to pitch a tent or park a vehicle.
standard = Basic + toilets and water
serviced = Standard + shower + power
fully_serviced = Serviced + camp kitchen + Laundry
deluxe = Fully_Serviced + swimming pool/restaurant

> Let me also give a few examples of wild camps where we stayed that
> should be on the map:
>       * Guarded section of a car parking next to a city park with
>         public toilet (Tabriz, Iran). Amongst overlanders this is the
>         one place to go to in Tabriz. In Iran we had quite a few
>         situations like this.
>       * Kite Beach in Dubai: as Dubai is very densely built up there
>         are few good places to stay. The kite beach is a parking at
>         the beach near the Kite Club. The Kite Club has clean public
>         toilets and a beach shower.
> Images are here.
> Reagrds,
> Jan
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