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On Fri, 2015-03-27 at 19:10 +1100, David Bannon wrote:
> On Fri, 2015-03-27 at 06:41 +0000, Jan van Bekkum wrote:
> >       * We can use camp_site=opportunistic_hospitality for the
> >         hotels, 
> >       * We can use tourism=camp_site:non_designated for all cases that
> >         the
> Sorry Jan, people, me included, do not like "=non_designated". Honestly,
> I could learn to really dislike "=opportunistic_hospitality" quite
> quickly too ! I think two categories for these things is too many and 25
> character in a tag is too many. 
> With thought, I think (my suggestion of) adding camp_site=sponsored is a
> bad idea too. I'd prefer the list I posted early and we invent a new
> subtag to associate with any camp_site= such as sponsored=yes to deal
> with your case. Or do camp_site=basic:sponsored.
> Attractive vistas, fees, etc can all be dealt with with tags.
> David
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