2015-04-03 11:08 GMT+02:00 Bryce Nesbitt <bry...@obviously.com>:

> At most they will be access=permissive. Public implies an inalienable
>> right of access supported by law.
> Permissive implies something far different to me.  It means that I can
> walk onto the property without prior arrangement, and chances are nobody
> will hassle me.

a camp could be "access=permissive" (trespassing tolerated) or
access="private" / access=customers where private and customers seem
access=yes /public (a right for everyone to access) is not a situation I
have ever encountered on a camp site, but it might eventually exist.

> Permissive is used quite frequently for objects that are nominally
> private, but habitually used by the public.


> An fine example is a particular local rock park, or at least what looks
> like a park.   It's not city owned, it's fully private,
> and correctly tagged access=permissive.

ownership is something different, at least in some countries which I know
it is possible that the public has a legal right to access a privately
owned site / land. This is typically written in the land register or is
based on some general law (e.g. the public may enter any forest and any
not-fenced field in Germany, but many of them are privately owned).

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