On 10.05.2015 22:48, Eugene Alvin Villar wrote:
> Then there should be an effort to standardize the possible values of
> designation=* when applied to administrative entities. I think your current
> proposal is a good time to discuss that.

The resulting standardized tags would need to be included in the
http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:designation page, making that page
even more confusing than it already is.

> Do you have any proof that application developers will not implement it,
> other than just personal conjecture?

That's my experience with OSM for 5 years, and with IT for 25 years.

Routing developers have not implemented the tables given on
http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/OSM_tags_for_routing/Maxspeed and
for years even though some of them they get payed. They also did not
implement routing over areas although it is a trivial task.

The most important application to incorporate the designation=* or
admin_title=* key would be Carto, because that's what people get to see when
they try out OSM or when an OSM map is included within another site. Carto
is optimized for speed. Changes in data are immediately queued to be
rendered. There is no preprocessing. I know of no wiki table ever
implemented in carto. That would require continuously keeping the
implementation up to date. Who is supposed to do that? Only a few people
have a commit privilegue. And those are reluctant to do anything. I made
lots of comments and suggestions in their bug tracking systems, both old and
new, and none of my suggestions was ever implemented. When I asked them for
their criteria what features to render, they did not give me an answer. How
do you think you get them implement a conversion table and keep it up to
date? I bet you will not even try.

> And as I said before, such automatic
> replacement, if wrong, is not a catastrophic problem.

Maybe not catastrophic, but it is wrong, and I will not write a proposal for
something of which we already know beforehand that it is wrong.

> If a tag
> such as designation=* when applied to administrative entities were to be
> widely and consistently applied, and the documentation on the wiki is clear,
> then developers will find value in supporting such tables.

According to Andy Allen ("Gravitystorm"), who seems to be the owner of
Carto, "this is absolutely not how we decide what things to render".

Friedrich K. Volkmann       http://www.volki.at/
Adr.: Davidgasse 76-80/14/10, 1100 Wien, Austria

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