On Mon, 11 May 2015 08:44:25 +0200
Friedrich Volkmann <b...@volki.at> wrote:

> > If a tag
> > such as designation=* when applied to administrative entities were
> > to be widely and consistently applied, and the documentation on the
> > wiki is clear, then developers will find value in supporting such
> > tables.
> According to Andy Allen ("Gravitystorm"), who seems to be the owner of
> Carto, "this is absolutely not how we decide what things to render".

Please, avoid quoting out of context. It was response to "is used
9461 times, it is approved, and it has its wiki page, thus it should be
rendered" (source:
https://github.com/gravitystorm/openstreetmap-carto/issues/545 )

Many tags are widely used, have wiki page and will never be rendered in
openstreetmap-carto - and any amount of approvals will not change it
(source tag is an obvious example).

> Only a few people
> have a commit privilegue. And those are reluctant to do anything. I
> made lots of comments and suggestions in their bug tracking systems,
> both old and new, and none of my suggestions was ever implemented.

Note that there are over 300 open issues. Reporting problems and
discussion is useful, but it is not something that may be committed. It
can be done only once somebody writes code - and it may be done by
anyone, commit rights are not necessary to submit a pull request.

About 40 pull requests were processed within last month, with 17
currently waiting.

Within last 50 closed pull requests 36 were merged, 11 were
rejected, 2 were replaced by an improved version and 1 pull request was
a test, not intended as mergeable.

About "are reluctant to do anything" - see

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