2015-05-11 11:04 GMT+02:00 James Mast <rickmastfa...@hotmail.com>:

> Plus, while the cops can't pull you over and give you a ticket for
> exceeding the 'ramp' speed (if they do, you can challenge it in court if
> it's just a normal speeding ticket), they can however, nail you with a
> reckless driving ticket/charge if you wipe out and wreck while exceeding
> it.

I believe the situation in Germany is similar, e.g. if there is a 130 km/h
maxspeed recommendation (which is there implicitly on the whole network)
but you drive at 250 km/h and someone else gets frightened and makes an
accident the fault might be attributed to you. I recall several cases where
test drivers of Mercedes caused deadly accidents on the highways around the
main production plant (A8, A81, A5), there is even a wikipedia article in
English about one:

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