2015-05-15 17:23 GMT+02:00 Daniel Koć <daniel@koć.pl>:

> I don't think it's simply "if we don't have it, we don't need it, because
> if we need it, we would have it already". =} You probably underestimate the
> power of inertia and "good enough" system.

yes, I agree. What I meant was: to tag an university the current tag is
easy: use one tag amenity=university and you're done and seeing it you can
be sure that the tag describes an university or is misplaced. No need to
specify: research_institution=yes, educational_institution=yes,
educational_level=4+5 etc.,
Now if you want to map something that isn't actually an university or a
college then you'll have to invent something new for this. duck tagging. A
goose is not a duck ;-) Back to your "higher schools in Poland", I guess
they are not universities, unless they also do research, while for college
I am not sure.

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