On 16 May 2015 at 04:27, johnw <jo...@mac.com> wrote:

> On May 15, 2015, at 8:02 PM, pmailkeey . <pmailk...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> area IS landuse - it has to be (landuse=ocean !!!!) so we get
> landuse=building even.
> Uhhh.  *What?*  This is a clear about-face on the landuse tag then.
> Everywhere is clearly not a landuse. Most of the earth is not altered nor
> designated nor segregated for a specific use.
> I can define an “area” of the world. But if there are no purposeful
> alterations for a task, designations of purpose, nor manmade buildings and
> amenities contained within….  then it is not a landuse. There is no
> landuse=glacier for a reason.
> Most of the ocean is “unused” by people. - they have not changed it to
> have a specific purpose, nor altered the water to do a specific job - and
> it’s pretty hard to have a landuse on an ocean (maybe oceanuse=fish_farm?)
>  That would be a great "oceanuse" tag- there are plenty of floating,
> manmade, use-specific, designated-to-be fish farms around the world.
> They take up what… .01% of the ocean? the rest of the ocean has no
> man-altered, segregated, designated use (besides political ones) - but
> those are not “on the ground” in reality  (like a fish farm or a oyster
> farm).
> I have no idea where you get the notion that area=landuse.   land… *used*
> for a task. being a woods or a mountain or a lake is not the “job” or
> “designated purpose” of the area. It just is. hence the natural= tag.
> However, the land around a school building, usually fenced in, *containing
> the facility and amenities that belong to the facility and designated as
> such* (pitch, walkways, parking, etc) is clearly part of the school - but
> not a school building. The grounds and the building together make that
> “school."
> That *land*…. designated to be *use*d by people… as a school… And which
> currently is *altered from it’s natural state* … to be a school ground…
> and has an *area easily defined*… as a school… should be “*landuse*
> =school”
> The drinking fountain, toilets, parking, gym, and other location level
> amenities are amenities of the school - and should continue to be tagged as
> amenities IMO -
> or should we have a tiiiiny little 30x30cm squares marked as
> landuse=drinking water? Landuse=shoe_rack? Landuse=fire_extingusher?  It’s
> just as asinine as landuse=glacier.
> Which leads us to this statement:
> So that raises the question as to whether 'landuse' adds any info value in
> tags to the object being mapped. 'Building' clearly does.
> ??????????????????????????
> when you map out only the buildings, you get a bunch of lego bricks
> spilled across the map.
> http://www.openstreetmap.org/note/285449#map=18/36.38663/139.07087
> Even without naming, and using only a single landuse across multiple
> areas, gives a much clearer idea of what is there.
> http://www.openstreetmap.org/note/285449#map=18/36.43627/139.04950
> Landuse ties them together int he way we already spatially identify them -
> this is a “school” this is an “apartment complex”… This is a “university” -
> The building+landuse for individual facilities gives you so much more
> together than just one by itself.
> The land and non-building amenities contained within the landuse are as
> important as the building.
> And… the name=* belongs to the landuse for all larger facilities. A big
> school (or mall or business complex) with many named buildings, pools,
> parking, seating, pitches, walkways, and wahatnot…
> is currently amenity=school + name=FooBar School. (I feel it should be
> landuse=school). same as landuse=retail name=FooBar OutDoor Mall. Or
> landuse=industrial  name=FooBar Works.
> No single building is actually named the name of the facility - and often
> is named something else! - so the name=* for the facility doesn’t belong to
> it.
> Even tiny schools. My school has two buildings. Both have the same number
> of students.  Which is named for the school?  Neither.
> The ground has the name - out on the wall.
> http://www.openstreetmap.org/note/285449#map=19/36.40723/139.33257
> The name goes on the landuse, which includes the school’s parking, bike
> racks, hedges, walkways, water tanks, tress, and stairways.
> The wall around our perimeter is an an easily mapped and easily defined
> area boundary. Everything inside is landuse=school - as all of those
> amenities not only belong to the school, but support the operation of the
> school.
> Are the parking lots around a stadium not part of the stadium? Are the
> lawns, walkways, quads, and roadways not part of a business complex? What
> about a hospital with multiple buildings?
> http://www.openstreetmap.org/note/285449#map=17/36.43591/139.25348
> http://www.openstreetmap.org/note/285449#map=17/36.40791/139.06405
> http://www.openstreetmap.org/note/285449#map=17/36.37886/139.08038
> http://www.openstreetmap.org/note/285449#map=16/36.3295/139.1009
> http://www.openstreetmap.org/note/285449#map=17/36.40860/139.03317
> Here - there are no buildings (as there are none) - but just rice fields.
> Doesn’t this make the map much more understandable? All of these are
> man-altered places designated for a purpose.
> *http://www.openstreetmap.org/note/285449#map=19/36.43286/139.25779
> <http://www.openstreetmap.org/note/285449#map=19/36.43286/139.25779>*
> This view that the land somehow lesser than the building, or the name of a
> large facility somehow belongs to a building (which one? who knows!)
>  instead of the land the facility occupies is subjectively wrong,
> objectivity wrong, and easily disproved.
> Please reevaluate this seriously flawed opinion.
> Javbw
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Thanks for the post, John.

I think the problem is the tagging method. Why does there have to be two
parts to it ?

Landuse=schoolgrounds is the same as schoolgrounds. Natural=forest is the
same as simply forest.

How about:

Forest=natural ?

or forest=man_made ? [=plantation or somesuch term for a human-planted

landuse=school is, to the map, the same as
area=school which is the same as
"school" or perhaps

The big point is what does 'landuse' (or 'natural') tell us that's new
information ? bridge=natural would be a case where natural is giving
information as it is not expected bridges to be natural.

Can you find a sports pitch that's not landuse ? there's no need to have
landuse=sports_pitch. And to prove my point, OSM doesn't ! we have instead
leisure=sports_pitch - but it's still landuse but not tagged as such. So
now, it seems OSM tags landuse on its own whims, is inconsistent; is


Surely all three of these are 'obvious' when referring to a golf course ?
If they're not the obvious - then tag differently: golf_course=electronic.

OSM tagging is not logical. Does it need to be ? no, but it would help if
it was.

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