W dniu 16.08.2015 1:27, Friedrich Volkmann napisał(a):

No, because the landcover=* key is just nonsense. There is no definition for


that key. What does landcover mean? Vegetation? Soil? Atmosphere? Buildings?
Ocean? Everything we map is landcover in some respect. You could use
landcover=motorway instead of highway=motorway, and landcover=playground instead of leisure=playground. The landcover key matches all and nothing.

Somebody has just suggested that one should tag the lawns as landuse because everything is "use", so this key can be stretched too.

Furthermore, landcover=trees cannot serve as a substitute for landuse=forest or natural=wood, because forests/woods not only consist of trees, but also
of shrubs, herbs, fungi, mosses, lichens, algae, animals, water, soil,
gases, and diaspores.

Of course this is not a substitute for the forest and I try to be clear that I don't like it to be used as a general type.

If you know it's a forest, you should tag it accordingly (once we have definition again). But if all you know is "there are some trees", you don't know if there are all these things, so you can safely tell only about what you know, hence landcover=trees is what you really know.

If you cannot decide between landuse=forest and natural=wood, take either
one. Just like picking a tracktype.

Last resort in case of doubts should be something more general, even partially, not rolling the dice! Of course that's what people do now, but we're discussing here to help them avoid such wicked games with database.


Your questions about what lancover really is made me read the wiki and it seems it's just a twin for "surface", which "is meanwhile also used to indicate the surface type of larger areas, like for a Landuse but is generally used as a secondary tag."

This means more or less that maybe surface=trees would be good, however people use it very infrequently and I don't know if it is "primary" or "secondary" tag then:



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