The interest of this overly complicated specification is that it makes developers life easy ;) Obviously, it has to stay in phase with the way opening_hours is really used. So if the separator is not used, it will be removed from YoHours. Note that this optional separator is also readable by "opening_hours evaluation tool" [1], which seems to be a reference.


Le 21/08/2015 12:36, Ruben Maes a écrit :
I opened an issue[1] on this GitHub project, because it puts a colon after 
week, month and monthday selectors.
PanierAvide replied that the specification allows an "optional separator for 
readability"[2]. Indeed, when you read the overly complicated and totally not 
mapper-focused specification, you can see
[ <year_selector> ] [ <month_or_monthday_selector> ] [ <week_selector> ] [ 
<separator_for_readability> ]

Whose idea was this? It's already complicated enough that you don't have to add 
*optional* separators for supposed readability.
IMO it's just fine without them.

PS: I always follow the time domains proposal[3]. It's clear and it's 
compatible with the other specification AFAIK.


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