Landuse=religious is not quite right, since the hussainia is more a
cultural event than anything religious.

I think I would prefer a neutral terms for the amenity (yes, its an
amenity) like

amenity=community_centre             (Description A place mostly used
for local events, festivities and group activities. )

Nonetheless, an area of landuse=religious could include an

It is a special kind of community centre, which is covered by the key

*I am a little concerned that there are different terms for the amenity
in different countries.
We try to use English terms where possible, but I doubt its possible in
this case.
So I accept an Arabic term, but which one...
Is there one spelling or one term which the entire Islamic world would
understand? I need help on this.
On the other hand, close enough is acceptable.

OSM is liberal on tagging rules but I would modify the proposed keys.  
I'd rather see the existing keys 'event', 'access' and 'frequency' being
re-used here.

'event' key is used for earthquakes mainly, but it seems to work for
this purpose.

'access' is used about 10 million times as a key, so its very standard. 
I'm proposing three new values, but they are useful for some other
amenities and places of worship too

'frequency' is used about 1.2 million times, so its standard too.
"intermittent" and "weekly" already exist as values. "allyear" is new.

So this is what I would support.

access=maleonly | femaleonly  | maleandfemale
frequency= intermittent | weekly| allyear


On 2015-08-21 07:12 AM, Andreas Goss wrote:
>> If so, you can use landuse=religious on the entire area
> God that tag is so ***** stupid. I still don't understand why we let a
> dozen people push this tag when nobody knows how to use it not even
> those who suggestet it thmselves. Half of them just seem to be a
> replacement for church yard...

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